Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Edamame: Planet Friendly Protein, Tasty and Nutrious


Edamame (eh-dah-mah-may) is a tasty snack food from Asia that has become a popular appetizer at Japanese restaurants here in the west. Often called green vegetable soybeans, they are a special variety harvested when still immature and green.

Served in the pod at restaurants, frozen shelled edamame are now widely available at supermarkets and Trader Joe’s, as well as in health food stores. Possibly be the worlds oldest snack food, going back well over a thousand years, edamame could very well be the healthiest, too.

Edamame has a lot going for it. Great taste, ease of preparation and excellent nutrition make it a delightful snack, not only in restaurants but in kitchens across America. Try adding shelled edamame to your favorite stir-fry, pasta dish, soup or stew in place of any other bean.

Like the more mature soybean, edamame contains all nine essential amino acids making it a complete protein equal in quality to meat, dairy products, and eggs. Edamame is rich in calcium, iron, zinc, and many B vitamins.  And like all plant based foods, choosing edamame over animal protein is as good for the planet as it is for you! Choose organic foods whenever possible.

Read More and See the Recipe of Edamame on Here!

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