Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dairy is a Feminist Issue

Feminism brought me to a place where I could begin to think about embracing veganism as a necessary part of an ethic of social justice. Feminist ideology, a reading of Carol Adams’ The Sexual Politics of Meat and visiting a small family dairy allowed me the pull I needed to abandon my “pescatarianism” for veganism. Veganism is an ethic of (non)consumption that most closely reflects my feminist ideology. It is one way in which I can make a simple choice every time I eat that is overtly political in its message. Veganism is a daily practice that reflects an ethic of care and compassion and equality that is often lacking among humans.  Veganism has also allowed me the ability to acknowledge that the oppression of non-human animals and women are mutually reinforcing.

I see a lot of my feminist nightmares played out on female-bodied individuals who are exploited by the U.S. dairy industry. The bottom line when it comes to dairy is that milk is boob juice intended for growing infants, and someone was raped to make it. Then someone was kidnapped so that people can consume it. A woman buys into the exploitation of female bodies every time she purchases and consumes dairy. Female bodies are exploited to produce dairy, advertisers manipulate women to sell dairy and women buy in and drink up at the expense of their own health.

milk. it does your body bad!

The health myth perpetuated by big business in the name of profit comes at the expense of women’s physical and psychological health.

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