Thursday, May 5, 2011

No Meat: Vegetarians and B12

There are essential nutrients that your body needs to function properly and promote optimum health. As a vegetarian— the absence of meat in your diet reduces the amount of vitamin B12 received through food intake as animal products are the primary source of this nutrient. Vegetarians and vegans could become deficient in B12, so it is important to know how to reduce the risk of deficiency.

Some vegetarians and vegans believe they can get adequate B12 through produce grown from manure treated soil, but according to Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D. this amount is “so small that more than 23 cups of organically grown spinach would have to be eaten every day in order to meet the adult RDA for vitamin B12.” Vegetarians that still consume dairy and eggs will not have as much of a risk, but those that lean more toward a near-vegan diet and vegans themselves should make sure to supplement or included foods and ingredients that assist in maintaining appropriate levels of this important nutrient.

Where to get your B12
Nutritional yeast
Nutritional yeast provides good amounts of not only B12 as well as protein. This cheesy tasting yeast comes in the form of flakes that can be sprinkled over dishes or used in sauces and other liquids.

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